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举报 2017-11



01  Ryan and Suzie

On October 11th, 2017, after returning from a package holiday in Thailand, @RYANANDSUZIEGLOBALTRAVELLERS wrote:
Throwback to that time we met a dolphin in Koh Samui 
hashtag travel,hashtag wanderers, hashtag fearless explorers, hashtag intoxicated by travel, hashtag love, hashtag dolphin, hashtag animal lover, hashtag blowhole, hashtag love is everything, hashtag get your beach on,hashtag sand,hashtag couples that travel, hashtag pic of the day, hashtag beach bod, hashtag hotties, hashtag I love Ryan, hashtag I love Suzie, hashtag eternal, hashtag love our life together.
The world is already full of pricks. So we made a glucose monitoring system for diabetics that doesn’t have any. The Dexcom G6. No needles. No pricks.

在2017年10月11日结束泰国一揽子旅游回国后写道:我们在苏梅岛遇到了一只海豚。之后又有19个标签(#GetYourBeachOn)出现:旅行、流浪者、无畏的探险家、沉醉于旅行、爱情、海豚、动物爱好者、岩石孔穴、爱就是一切、海滩上、沙子、夫妇旅行、图片、海滨游泳袋、英式摇滚、我爱瑞安、我爱苏西、永恒、一起爱我们的生活。世界上充满了刺,所以我们为没有糖尿病的糖尿病患者做了一个血糖监测系统。G6 Dexcom公司没有针,没有刺。

02  Fistbump

(Weary sigh)
British people who fistbump. That guy who stops at the top of the escalator to check his phone. Public face-timers. People who say ‘amazing’. That guy on Twitter who ends every tweet with ‘let that sink in’. Bartenders who call themselves ‘mixologists’. New mums on Facebook (hashtag blessed). Gym bros. Bike bros. Coffee bros. Just…bros. Instagram couples. Lifestyle gurus. That teacher you had. You know the one. Your ex. Your ex’s new partner. All your ex’s new partner’s friends.
The world is already full of pricks. So we made a glucose monitoring system for diabetics that doesn’t have any. The Dexcom G6. No needles. No pricks.

击拳的英国人、那个在电梯顶上停下来看手机的家伙、说“棒极了”的人、在每条推特的结尾都用“让它沉下去”来结束的人、自称“调酒师”的调酒师、Facebook上的新妈妈们(标签祝福);健身伙伴、自行车车友、咖啡伴侣...只是兄弟;Instagram夫妇、生活方式的大师、你的老师、你知道的那一个;你的前任、你前任的新搭档、你前任新朋友的朋友。世界上充满了刺,所以我们为没有糖尿病的糖尿病患者做了一个血糖监测系统。G6 Dexcom公司没有针,没有刺。

03  Mindhole

In a meeting on January 13th, 2018 at MindHole Creative & Social Agency, Sebastian Prosser said:
What we need is a more hyper-targeted communications paradigm that puts customer love right into the marketing’s genetic code. So let’s peel the data potatah. Because – hey, hello? – the world has changed guys and consumers expect each brand touchpoint to be more storytelling and less story yelling. How did you put it Marcus?
Marcus Huntingdon-Laing replied:
It’s literally like paint my life with your brand and I’ll give you the keys to the canvas.
Sebastian responded:
Preach, brother. Preach.
The world is already full of pricks. So we made a glucose monitoring system for diabetics that doesn’t have any. The Dexcom G6. No needles. No pricks.

2018年1月13日,在MindHole Creative & Social Agency举办的一次会议上,Sebastian Prosser说:我们需要的是一种更具针对性的沟通模式,将客户的喜好融入营销策略中。让我们剥掉“马铃薯的表皮”,因为世界已经改变了。消费者希望每个品牌接触点都能更多地讲述故事,而不是大声叫喊。你怎么说的,马库斯?马库斯Huntingdon-Laing回答说:这就像用你的品牌来描绘我的生活,我会给你打开画布的钥匙。塞巴斯蒂安回答说:说教、兄弟、宣扬。世界上充满了刺,所以我们为没有糖尿病的糖尿病患者做了一个血糖监测系统。G6 Dexcom公司没有针,没有刺。


McCann 麦肯 伯明翰







