Senior Designer 资深设计师

上海 徐汇区
发布于 2021-12-01

职位描述 Job Description

设计团队目标 Design Team Purpose
Producing charismatic, strategically led creative solutions, to drive brand and business growth

资深设计师目标 Designer Purpose
Lead by example to deliver great creative, providing clear solutions to brand challenges

Externally: To ensure that all stages of the work meet or exceed the clients’ objectives, challenging and interpreting feedback wherever appropriate to get to better creative

对内:与客户服务团队紧密合作,充当多个项目的创意领导,并有效给予设计总监所需的支持。 启发,引导和与创意团队分享知识,帮助他们发挥潜能
Internally: To work closely with the Client Servicing Team, acting as the lead creative on multiple projects and effectively supporting the Design Director. To inspire, mentor and share knowledge with the creative team, to help them to reach their potential.

Reports to: Creative Director

o  以建立品牌魅力为目标,发展全面的概念和执行,以创造在不同品牌体验中的差异点
Creates holistic concepts and solutions that build on a Brand’s charisma and offer a unique point of difference across all aspects of brand experience
o  通过具魅力的设计和其如何能令品牌被注意和被挑选,了解“品牌优先”(Brand First)的涵义
Demonstrates an understanding of Brand First, through charismatic design and how it can get a brand noticed and chosen
o  能充份表現理解如何把策略与创意连贯
Demonstrates a deep understanding of how to connect strategy to creative work
o  能快速地调整概念,把重点放在最好的创意上
Quickly edits concepts to focus in on the best ideas
o  带领多个创意项目
Leads multiple creative projects

o  了解整个团队各人的角色,有效地跟合适成员合作以提供及时的解决方案
Understands the roles of the wider team and collaborates with people effectively to deliver timely solutions
o  利用内部专业知识、经验及客户的知识并加以合作,以达致更佳创意解决方案
Collaborates with and uses internal expertise and experience, as well as client's knowledge to get to better creative solutions
o  积极地为其他团队提供创意和机会
Actively offers ideas and opportunities to other teams

o  当设计总监不在工作室,担起带领团队和项目运作的责任
Responsible for running the team and projects when Design Director is not in the studio
o  启发自己和他人,对各自的工作和个人发展有所承担
Inspires self and others to take personal responsibility for own work and personal development
o  作为客户的灵感来源,最终转化为新项目及增加客户满意度
Acts as a source of inspiration to the client and internally which can ultimately translate to additional work and client satisfaction
o  具有正直、诚实、可靠、主动回应、开明态度,赢得内部和客户双方的信任
Displays integrity, honesty, reliability, responsiveness and openness to be trusted by clients and internal teams
o  积极地对同事、客户和供应商出色的工作成效表示认同和赞赏
Actively appreciates colleagues, clients and suppliers to recognise and reward great work

品牌维护Brand Guardianship
o  通过早期参与和项目合作,充分理解品牌主张,其核心价值和能被激发出之魅力
Through early involvement and partnership in projects, fully understands what the brand stands for, its core values and the charisma it strives to evoke
o  作为客户的创意合作伙伴,并建立信任和长期合作关系
Behaves as the clients’ creative partner to build trust and ultimately long-term relationships
o  有需要时扮演品牌大使,挑战并解读反馈,以建立品牌
Acts a brand ambassador, challenging and interpreting feedback where necessary to build the brand
o  为客户提供跟品牌相关的设计专业知识和适当的挑战
Demonstrates design knowledge, expertise and relevant provocation to clients in line with the brand
o  积极寻找能帮助建立长远健康品牌的机会
Proactively looks for opportunities that might aid a Brand’s long term health

o  进行有效的比稿、客户提案并影响结果
Delivers strong pitches, client presentations and influences results
o  明确、清晰、自信地与各级别人员进行交流, 能对不同的观众和局面适当地调整沟通风格,同时依然传达一致的信息
Communicates at all levels with confidence and clarity, adapting communication style to audience and situation, whilst always delivering a consistent message
o  开明地鼓励合作工作方式及跨部门沟通和接触
Openly encourages collaborative ways of working and cross department communication and engagement
o  以积极及开明的态度聆听团队和同伴的想法
Listens actively and openly to the team and peer group
o  在适当时提出适当问题及挑战
Asks the right questions, challenging when appropriate

创意应用Creative Application
o  寻求创新方法,并展示如何应用在创意产出上
Seeks out new innovations and demonstrates how these can be leveraged in creative output
o  审视现有的品牌体验,并能识别出在品牌和业务上可发展的新领域
Evaluates existing brand experience and identifies development areas for the brand and business
o  建立对不同媒体,印刷技术及生产流程的敏鋭及清晰了解,并懂得如何把概念实践
Displays an understanding of how to bring concepts to life within technical parameters of print and manufacturing processe

