FF上海 X FLAWED|品牌出海:先有看法 再有办法

举报 2022-02-09

“品牌出海”早已是一片观点和内容的红海,作为陪伴诸多科技巨头成功完成品牌海外战役的资深团队,FRED & FARID佛海佛瑞连同旗下策略同盟FLAWED否哲,对这一议题跃跃欲试但同时战战兢兢:华丽的观点可能是正确的废话,堆砌的数据往往是严谨的表象。

当各大咨询公司和相关媒体文章谈及中国品牌出海时,有几个高频出现且无法避而不谈的策略关键词:高端化,本土化,中国化/去中国化。但若剥离华丽词藻的修饰和公开数据的支撑,这些关键词背后大多是“以终为始,以果为因”的逻辑取巧—— 因为产品不高端,所以要高端化;因为不熟悉区域市场,所以要本土化;因为是中国品牌,所以要带着中国身份站队。我们都看到了现实的挑战,却没有人给出现实的方案。
但抛开价格,如何塑造“中国品牌自身的质感”?成功实现本土化品牌运作是否有更大的前提?“中国”身份对品牌到底意味着什么?为了给这些问题一些“相对正确”但“绝对真诚”的答案,我们和FRED & FARID佛海佛瑞全球不同办公室的朋友们聊了个天儿……


There are so many cultural shifts happening right now and brands can easily make mistakes if they’re not fully assimilated in the markets they are speaking to. Brands and their teams must be fully aware of what is happening in culture as consumers, especially the younger generation, crave for cultural relevance and understanding from the brands they love.

  — Chelsea Steiger

If a Chinese brand is to establish a presence overseas, then it needs to center its strategy on purpose - a legacy or a story that shapes its brand persona. The backstory has to be appealing and engaging to captivate the hearts and minds and it has to be true.

— Jalila Levesque

Chinese brands are so advanced in technology and product strength while lagging behind in story-telling. If they want to succeed in another country, they need to show they are investing in the economy as well as contributing to the culture of the country.

— Olivier Lefebvre

Chinese brands abroad are often misunderstood, consumers have misperceptions. Chinese brands usually pass off as too serious. People like authentic stories but also unconventional ones.

 — Charles Renard

It’s important for the brands to provide some experiences, rather than just handing out free samples. 

— Maria Busygina

If you want to make some waves, the brand should stand for other issues and other values that are not necessarily associated with the brand itself. 

— Joao Pereira



Pop culture is the easiest way for brands to get themselves into the place; it’s bottom-up and crosses the geographical constraints.  

— Adrien Goris

To enable the expression of individuality is a common ground for brands to connect with young people across Europe. 

— Lucile Batut

Younger generation is pretty much the same, they’re getting more and more similar with each other. 

— Joao Pereira

Brands should learn about consumers first, before putting themselves into a system, and start building a global platform from the consumer’s perspective.

— Severine Autret

If your product is good, think about what you wanna say and install bold campaigns that resonate globally but also locally in a highly creative approach. 

— Nicolas Berthier

在与欧洲的小伙伴们聊天的过程中,早年SONY Playstation作为日本品牌进入法国的案例被屡屡提及。没有欧洲符号也没有法式幽默,而是回归奔跑、跳跃、集结等游戏群体的通感意象。



When thinking about China, we think of a modern and dynamic mega country. But China is also full of vibrant individuals and trivial stories. In the west, we are curious to see brands that speak up for China not in big but also in small.  

— Olivier Lefebvre

Chinese brands have developed a unique approach tailored to mobile-first consumers and focused on the creation of shareable content. It is faster, cheaper, and ready for the metaverse revolution.

 — Jalila Levesque

Chinese brands are embracing evolutionary changes these years, not necessarily on technology, but also a more culture, history and heritage side. 

— Severine Autret

China is still expanding and growing, the energy here is incredible; it is clearly becoming the new center of innovation. 

— Adrien Goris

Chinese technologies are not learning or copying but leading, China is already living in the future. 

— Joao Pereira





FLAWED否哲,是国际广告传播集团FRED & FARID旗下策略咨询机构。期待以“不定型,不定性“的方式为国内外策略体系“不完善”的新兴成长型品牌提供市场研究、品牌策略、传播策略、体验策略等咨询服务。

关于FRED & FARID佛海佛瑞

FRED & FARID (简称FF) 是诞生于法国的国际广告传播集团,由Frederic Raillard 和 Farid Mokart于2007年在法国巴黎创建,现在在巴黎、上海、纽约、洛杉矶均设立分支机构。长期为国内外奢侈品牌,科技品牌,快消以及互联网品牌提供广告创意策略、广告创意内容和社会化营销服务。作为兼具质感与胆识的创意集合体,FF赢得过900多项国际创意奖项:戛纳创意节、D&AD、克里奥奖、OneShow、伦敦创意奖、纽约广告节等。美国Adage广告时代授予FF年度最佳国际创意公司, 更连续5年被World Luxury Awards评为年度最佳广告公司,4次获得Spikes Asia年度最佳独立创意公司以及Clio Awards年度最佳创意公司。

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