
举报 2024-05-27


有一位曾是广告人的俄罗斯艺术家Helga Stentzel,只要出门,都会带上一本笔记本,用来记录突然冒出的灵感。



插座 → 卡车


插座 → 耳机少年

Halloween is in the air, and my electrics seem to be well-prepared   It's funny how our brain processes the information around us and makes unexpected connections   I remember seeing fidget spinners everywhere and in everything at the peak .jpg

键帽 → 爆米花

Let's talk about movies today????  . Please, can you recommend any recent (or not so recent) films that are light, clever and witty Before Sunrise trilogy would be the perfect example of what I'm after this summer . Thank you so much in adv.jpg

信封 → 雪山

Do you have a soft spot for stationery I went through mine today and couldn't resist the temptation of drawing this little skier on one of the envelopes   I call myself a minimalist, but minimalism is clearly not the term you could possibly.jpg

铅笔 → 紫菜包饭

По-русски   I had an idea for this photo three months ago, but due to commercial work and poor self-discipline I didn't get to shoot it until last night  The funny thing is that over the past five months I was religiously buying sal.jpg

书柜 → 电池

'Hope', 2022. MDF, acrylic, bookThis was supposed to be a cheerful World Book Day post with a shelf full of green books and some light-hearted blurb on how powerful good literature can be. But three days ago everything changed. I have no wo.jpg

挤颜料 → 倒立

As an artist who recently started practising yoga, I can say that my body is as happy getting some sweat on as it is messing around with paint. Combine the two, and you have the most creative form of exercise known to man   Catch free fitne.jpg

窗户+晾衣服 → 此时你的困倦上班脸

Golden tooth   or natural look  I'm not sure what this house is smiling about but guessing it could be the end of the lockdown in London and finally some 'me' time  #ifhouseshadfeelings.Золотая коронка   или натурал.jpg

牙膏 → 痛苦仰卧起坐

Morning sit-ups can be particularly challenging after a night out... The adventures of our #toothpaste continue   #sculpture #situps #cool #goodmorning #thursday #routine #modernart #made_by_helga #madebyhelga #picoftheday #funny #humor #co.jpg

拍立得 → 洗衣机

Thank you guys for your helpful comments on my last post. Working from home does have a flip side, doesn’t it   Another very annoying thing for me is a never ending amount of housework- it’s always there, and I very often find myself do.jpg

门锁孔 → 小动物开门迎客

I   details. A bonus for a dedicated art lover, they are also a great way to breathe some life into an unanimated, utilitary thing. Take this door lock- it made a cosy little home for one of the invisible monsters that dwell in our flat. Hi.jpg

钉子+夹钳 → 勇士才敢穿·人字拖

To me, summer is not just about picnics, beach and watersports, but also about some outdoor DIY (yep, I am THAT boring  ) Now that gender stereotypes are gradually becoming a thing of the past, I hope that more and more women will discover .jpg

礼袋提手 → 爬梯

По-русски   Anyone else successfully finished another gift-wrapping marathon  ..Рада похвастаться успешным завершением сезона выбора подарков!  А вы как, держитес.jpg

鞋口 → 龇牙咧嘴

I love april fool's day, and you I think it's a great chance to inject a bit of humour in everyday life and at the same time let children explore which jokes- pranks are acceptable and which are not funny and should rather be avoided. This .jpg

白鞋带 → 小呆鹅

Thanks so much to all of you who send me your illustrations- photos- sketches of all the things that you see!   It is amazing how many hidden creatures can be brought to life with a few brush strokes or just an eye sticker! And it's even mo.jpg

脚丫 → i人与他的e人朋友

He's muscly, not fat, you bullies! And if you don't believe me, ask the holes in my socks   #bigtoe #whpstandout.jpg

耳朵 → 小猪佩奇

I mention it over and over again, but for an artist there really isn't such a thing as strict boundaries between life and work  You sink into your cosy sofa with every intention to spend some quality time with your family and watch a film w.jpg

花瓣 → 下班回家翘脚

What family rule from your childhood are you constantly breaking as an adult  ️ Mine is definitely 'Keep your feet off the table'. I rarely do, and it feels soooo good!   #breakingrules #mysocksareodd.jpg

哭脸emoji → 困局

This past week has been tough for me. Nothing happened, I simply had to deal with one #firstworldproblem or two, but it made me realise how challenging it sometimes is to regain equilibrium . And ironically, the more powerful position I hav.jpg

黄椒 → 抱团痛哭

Facing the inevitable   #seeyouinthesalad #bellpepper #mortified.jpg

青椒 → 面目狰狞

Yesterday was a pretty tough day with two flights, a few delays and one ridiculous mistake which left the three of us with absolutely no food for the last leg of our trip. So this is a portrait of one starving person who knows she has no on.jpg

生菜 → 菜狗.jpg

I'm not quite sure how it happened guys but I’ve just had a dog for dinner   #creativecloud_reimagine #veganuary ... Не знаю, как это произошло, но по-моему я съела собаку на ужин.jpg

胡萝卜+金针菇 → 随时躺尸

Life of a photo model can be tough. What this glamorous mushroom won't tell you (mainly because I decided not to draw her a mouth) is that she owes her highly photogenic pose to a chunk of a toothpick sticking out of the chair and piercing .jpg

葡萄+棉花糖+蛋糕 → 小狗斗鸡眼

Here's what my perfect weekend looks like- a slice of Russian honey cake plus 2-3 hours for styling and shooting, finished off with obligatory consumption of the abovementioned cake???? and a shot of espresso  ️ And what's yours #whpfoodf.jpg

咬一口甜甜圈 → 恋人对望

Two important things about 7 June 2019-  It's Friday  It's International Donut Day   And what has been the best thing about your day so far..Два важных факта о 7 июня 2019г-  Это пятница  Это междуна.jpg

水龙口+糖 → 真·甘泉

I am a big fan of surprises for no reason and today's rain and greyness made me think we need to brighten up our day a little   Couldn't come up with a better idea than a leaking tap and a sink full of #skittles and #marshmallows. Should th.jpg

QQ糖 → 葡萄

I like coming up with fun stories to explain to my children where things come from. Today we found these pretty special grapes which, according to my story, grow on gummy trees. My three year old totally bought it and was super-excited, whe.jpg

插座+吐司 → 烤面包机

When your toaster breaks and you can't go out to get a new one...   Who else is quarantined   #MartinParrPhotoChallenge4 .Когда сломался тостер, а ты на карантине и не можешь выйти купит.jpg

蓝杯+茶包 → 北极熊

I consider myself a responsible person - particularly when it comes to our environment   . I recycle religiously, teach my children to pick up (even someone else's) rubbish in the park and try to reduce our family's food waste as much as I .jpg

茶包 → 放风筝

I love finding humour in ordinary things  It took my friends and family a while to get used to the sight of me staring at a cup or a crease on the tablecloth   but now they seem to be fine with it and even find their own little creatures hi.jpg

牛油果+葱 → 厨房合唱团

I wonder what they’re singing ????  any ideas, guys Whatever it is, spring onion seems to be a great conductor! #bestchoirever #avocadosgottalent #whpimagination.jpg

香蕉 → 三鸟争一虫(宠)

Rainbow leaves, muddy wellies, shorter days and wooden jumpers... The autumn has arrived   Flocks of birds heading south in search of food and warmth draw wobbly triangles in the sky and cry so sadly that I struggle to believe they don't ha.jpg

煎饼+香蕉+蓝莓+花生酱 → 日光浴

So glad I washed my sweatpants yesterday as there's no way I can fit into my jeans after breakfast like this  Happy pancake day, everyone!   #pancakeday  commissioned by @pipandnut .Очень рада, что постирала свои р.jpg

牛奶洒一地 → 新的煎蛋已经出现

or  Actually, it doesn't matter as I think the message is crystal clear- I didn’t get any cereal for breakfast today   или   Впрочем, общий смысл и так понятен- не досталось мне сегодня .jpg

鸡蛋 → 口吐白沫

There are mornings when everything seems to be against you- the toast burns, you spill your coffee AND your kids' cereal, you are running late, and then to top it all up, your egg sticks its tongue out at you!   And how do you cope with str.jpg






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