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举报 2023-11-27


Media.Monks 摩课士任命 Matthew Godfrey 担任亚太区内容业务执行副总裁,任命即时生效。

Effective immediately, S4Capital’s operating brand Media.Monks has appointed Matthew Godfrey to lead its APAC Content practice.

凭借超过15年在亚太地区引领创新企业的经验,Godfrey 将为该区域的高级领导团队提供支持和指导。

With over 15 years of experience leading innovative businesses in the Asia-Pacific region, Godfrey will support a best-in-class senior leadership team across the region.

Godfrey 加入恰逢 Media.Monks 摩课士业务发展的新时期——由“We Are Now”使命引领,旨在推动行业发展,为实现宏伟目标铺路,赋能客户及员工充分发挥自身潜能。

He joins as the Media.Monks business primes for a new era, shaped by its “We Are Now” mission to shift industries forward and pave the path toward ambitious outcomes so clients and people can realize their full growth potential.

Godfrey 将与 Media.Monks 摩课士数据与数字媒介部门亚太区总经理 Kenny Griffiths 密切合作,进一步优化亚太地区的全球统一营收业务模式(Single Global P&L)。

Working alongside Kenny Griffiths, Managing Director APAC of Data, Digital and Media, Godfrey will take the connected single global P&L model to the next level in APAC.

借助全球统一营收业务和一体化运营模式,Media.Monks 摩课士聚集了全球范围内8200多名精通数字技术的出色人才,整合人工智能、社交、体验、平台、工作室、数据、媒体和技术服务等解决方案,帮助客户在瞬息万变的市场环境中不断自我革新。

The single global P&L and a unified operational model enable Media.Monks to work for clients in an agile way, connecting diverse talent and content innovation via seamless access to a network of more than 8200 experts in AI, Social, Experiences, Platforms, Studio/Production, Data, Media and Technology.

“Matt 具备 Media.Monks 摩课士在亚太地区重塑领导架构所需的所有领导品质。凭借他在亚太地区的深厚背景积累和丰富市场经验,我们相信 Matt 是推动业务发展、深化客户关系的理想人选。他将为公司愿景注入巨大价值,包括推进整合全球统一营收、品牌建设,以及致力于改变企业与世界互动方式从而推动行业进步的公司使命等方面。” Media.Monks 摩课士内容业务联合首席执行官 Bruno Lambertini 补充道。

"Matt has everything we are looking for as we reshape our leadership structure at Media.Monks in APAC.  With an extensive background in the region and a wealth of knowledge based on his experience in the market, we are confident Matt is the right person to drive the business forward, fostering our client relations. He will add a lot of value to our vision, especially when it comes to the single P&L and single brand, along with our mission to shift industries forward by re-shaping how businesses interact with the world, now,” adds Bruno Lambertini, Co-CEO, Content, at Media.Monks.

Godfrey 将着重在亚太地区拓展 Media.Monks 摩课士的独特商业模式。这一模式聚焦中国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国和新加坡等核心市场,并由在马来西亚和印度两地的办公室担任内容制作中心辐射支持亚太区所有办公室业务。

A strategic focus for Godfrey will be expanding the Media.Monks unique business model in APAC, which centers on key markets such as China, Australia, Japan, Korea and Singapore, and is supported by content excellence hub offices. In APAC, Media.Monks has two hub offices that house deep creative and technical talent in Malaysia and India.

“当前,内容行业正处于一个极为活跃的阶段。作为全球人工智能、社交和各类数字平台的佼佼者,Media.Monks 摩课士致力于为亚太区品牌打造并推广强大而高效的解决方案。创新机遇空前广阔,拥有众多杰出人才的我们非常期待帮助我们的客户从激烈竞争之中脱颖而出。”Media.Monks 摩课士亚太区内容业务执行副总裁 Matthew Godfrey 表示。

“The content industry is now at a very dynamic time. As global leaders in AI, Social, and all Digital Platforms, Media.Monks is ideally placed to help APAC brands create and orchestrate powerful and efficient communication solutions. The opportunity for innovation has never been greater and I’m excited to help APAC clients gain a competitive advantage by accessing our incredible talent, “ says Matthew Godfrey, EVP, Head of Content, APAC. 

新纪元由 Media.Monks 摩课士与极具创新力的品牌客户共同开创,包括 Sanofi、CJ Bibigo、Adobe、PayPal 和 Google 等。

The new era is shaped by Media.Monks’ client partnerships with some of the region's most innovative brands, including Sanofi, CJ Bibigo, Adobe, PayPal and Google.

此次任命为亚太地区经验丰富且多元化的行业领导团队注入了新的活力。团队成员包括亚太区财务总监 Elaine Shui、亚太区执行创意总监 Joao Flores、亚太区客户服务高级副总裁 Jessica Davey、亚太区人力资源高级总监 Andrea Theodore、亚太区视频制作部门负责人 Rebecca So 和亚太区社交媒体高级副总裁 Werner Iuksch。

This appointment adds firepower to an existing, experienced and diverse, team of industry leaders in the APAC region, including CFO APAC Elaine Shui, Executive Creative Director APAC Joao Flores, SVP Client Services APAC Jessica Davey, APAC Senior Director of People Andrea Theodore, APAC Head of Film Rebecca So and SVP Head of Social APAC Werner Iuksch. 

Godfrey 带来了丰富的创新与创意业务管理经验,他的企业家精神与推动 Media.Monks 摩课士发展壮大的能力相辅相成。在加入 Media.Monks 摩课士之前,他曾任亚非地区食品科技初创企业 Nutrition Innovation 首席执行官。此前,他还在 VMLY&R、Publicis Worldwide 等代理机构担任首席执行官长达15年。

Godfrey brings a wealth of experience in innovation and creative business management, fusing an entrepreneurial spirit with the ability to scale on Media.Monks ambitions. Before joining Media.Monks, Godfrey was CEO of food tech start-up Nutrition Innovation which operated from Africa to Asia. Prior to this, he has over 15 years as CEO of agency businesses, including VMLY&R and Publicis Worldwide. 


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