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举报 2014-09-10


所获奖项FWA SOTD, FWA MOTD, Awwwards SOTD, Awwwards HM, CSS Design Awards, French Design Index, CSS Winner, and Design Licks.

ACTIVATION NODEPLUS 为独立设计师买手店 − SIXPENCE量身打造的 Branding Microsite 已于近日竣工上线。此次由 ACTIVATION NODEPLUS 创作的 SIXPENCE Store Branding Microsite 赢得了世界著名数字作品认证 FWA SOTD, FWA MOTD, Awwwards SOTD, Awwwards HM,以及CSSDesign Awards, French Design Index, CSS Winner, Design Licks 等多项殊荣。

ACTIVATION NODEPLUS 自加入 ACTIVATION GROUP 以来,作为数字营销专业团队秉持着创新精神,在每一个 ACTIVATION NODEPLUS 出品的作品里,都致力于将独具匠心的创意,精致的设计,以及前沿的互动技术转化为具有创造力的数字体验,成为了中国互动设计与技术奖项的常胜军。SIXPENCE 项目的挑战不仅仅是创作与品牌气质吻合的视觉设计与体验,同时需要运用 HTML5 技术实现单一版本跨越平台,以及跨越纷繁的浏览器。
在优秀的互动数字作品里,所有的创意与设计,都将最终转化为体验来呈现。此次项目中,我们通过巧妙的 CSS Keyframes Animation 为用户在滚轮切换页面浏览时,创作了极具空间感的「透视」浏览效果, 并在整个作品的多处单元里,贯穿了极具视觉冲击力与技术难度的实时 xHTML DIV 3D「切割」体验 (Real-time DIV ScissorExperience) 。不同于单纯的切割一张图片,对于包含图文影像复杂的DIV元素进行实时整体切割,这是一次十分创新,并成功的前端技术 (Front-end development) 运用。将听上去复杂的技术创新,融合到最终精细的视觉呈现,我们在不同浏览器与跨平台之间最终做到了流畅一致的使用者体验。

本次作品将会收录进入 Awwwards 出版的设计年鉴 "The Best 365 Websites Around The World" 2014,同时此次 FWA SOTD 也是中国内地数字作品里,第 一个基于 HTML5 技术打造,赢得此项荣誉的作品。


ACTIVATION NODEPLUS has won the first HTML5 FWA SOTD in China, and Awwwards.

ACTIVATION NODEPLUS recently developed a branding microsite for SIXPENCE, a newly established indie-designers collaboration store by two fashion designers/Buyer Yan Xiao and Vito. Fighter featuring the debut series of their hand-sewn apparels.

The challenge of this microsite is to design a distinctive and innovative website experience to differentiate itself from mass. Addition to that, a cross-platform compatibility is required as well.

The concept is to convey a cult-like brand message that speaks the same language as its target audience. Thus, we created a fresh and effective responsive design with CSS keyframes scroll down motion experience. Furthermore, with technical and innovative approaches, we crafted an absolutely stunning random real-time DIV scissor transition effect. All of those features are not only friendly on different modern browsers, but also works perfectly on iPhone / iPad.

SIXPENCE Store Fighter Branding Microsite by ACTIVATION NODEPLUS has won the Prestigious FWA SOTD, FWA MOTD, Awwwards SOTD, Awwwards HM, CSS Design Awards, French Design Index, CSS Winner, and Design Licks. This work will be selected and printed in Awwwards annual editorial book "The Best 365 Websites Around The World" 2014 as well.

We are proud that it is also the first HTML5 FWA SOTD for Mainland China, and now We are a digital creative agency with FWA x 5, Awwwards x 2. 






