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举报 2012-04-01

B-Reel, 真正意义上的整合型创意制造工场,TheFWA上荣登首位的赢家,连续两年荣获Adage/Creativity Online年度最佳创意制造公司的荣誉。接着上一篇《专访创意制造工场极客创意总监Riccardo Giraldi》,今天我们非常荣幸能够邀请到创意制造工场B-Reel公司的团队成员:

来自B-Reel纽约的创意技术开发工程师Simon Cave,
来自B-Reel伦敦公司的Producer Mei-lin Rawlinson,
还有来自B-Reel斯德哥尔摩的美术指导David Hammarström,


采访: Vivian Peng
翻译: Cici Lu

Simon Cave
Creative Technologist,B-Reel纽约


Simon: B-Reel是一家整合型制作公司,在洛杉矶、纽约、伦敦和斯德哥尔摩都有办事处,专门从事于数字互动、移动设备,多媒体装置和创意执行及制作。


Simon: 我来自澳大利亚悉尼,通过朋友,让我知道了B-Reel,并在2009年的时候加入其伦敦办事处开始在此工作。在过去的几年里,我曾先后去过斯德哥尔摩和伦敦,现在我在纽约。


例如,2010年我们与广告代理商180 Los Angeles和以机械擅长的JLB设计一起合作,为三菱汽车打造了一款特别的体验装置 *(具体案例请参见:创意制造:B-Reel — Mitsubishi Live Drive案例解析与思维碰撞)。



数英网: 请介绍下您在项目团队中扮演的角色,简单地谈一下你们团队工作的基本流程。

Simon: 作为一名Technologist和Programmer,我喜欢从一开始就参与项目。我最初是作为Developer,但是在过去几年里我更多地参与到创意过程中,这意味着需要大量的写作(Writing) 和概念设计(Concepting) 工作的涌入。


数英网: 工作中最令你愉悦的部分是什么?你最讨厌什么部分?

Simon: 最开心的就是当项目开展了一段时间,我们在概念和创意上越过瓶颈期的时候。当创意(ideas)、设计(designs)和原型(prototypes)付诸实施成为一个真正的产品的时候,非常让人兴奋。


数英网: 除了工作,你如何得到灵感?

Simon: 我会在网上进行大量的不同领域的阅读,我不局限在自己的领域中,而是对于各个领域里的新技术都充满兴趣。我居住的城市也带给我灵感,能够住在这么多不同的地方我感到很幸运。但是最能激发我思维的是和我一起工作的人们,和这么多才华横溢的人一起工作真是太棒了。


我用的是Mac,我喜欢是因为这是唯一可以同时安装各种Mac Apps、Windows Apps和Unix的电脑,这对于测试不同浏览器兼容性是非常重要的。我也喜欢使用Mac软件。Mac操作系统和第三方应用程序的细节不是很完美,但肯定相对而言更好。

在开发方面,我用WebStormSublime, 写提案或写技术理论研究时,我喜欢简单的ByWord.

我在工作中使用iMac,它很赞!我的下一台电脑一定是MacBook Pro或者MacBook Air。我有一副Beyer Dynamic耳机,一般边工作边听音乐。还有iPhone,我喜欢尝试各种新的应用程序。手机和平板电脑的应用程序开发是一个非常有创意的领域。触屏移动设备代替台式电脑无论是在现今还是在将来,都已是大势所趋。



数英网:是什么让你对B-Reel 以及你的团队感到满意?什么情况下你会感觉不满意,期待着它改进?



Mei-lin Rawlinson


Mei-lin:B-Reel是一家数字制作公司,在全球拥有四个Office。每个Office都由创意总监、制作人、开发人员、动画设计师、美术指导、设计师和监制组成。我们的项目涵盖了网络、移动设备、装置等。事实上,我们还刚刚启动了一个新的研发公司——B-Reel Products 产品开发部门。


Mei-lin: 我在B-Reel伦敦担任Producer已有两年半的时间。在加入B-Reel之前,我曾在一家位于英国曼彻斯特的数字代理机构magneticNorth工作过。当我搬到伦敦时,B-Reel就成为我理想工作的首选。他们的声誉、一流的作品和富有瑞典气质与文化的工作环境都深深吸引着我,所以得到这份工作的时候,我欣喜若狂。B-Reel里到处都是极具天赋,勤奋和善的人,这一切都使得B-Reel成为一个极其优秀的工作之处。

数英网: 请介绍下您在项目团队中扮演的角色,简单地谈一下你们团队工作的基本流程。

Mei-lin:作为 Producer,我要做的就是带领整个团队,每天与客户进行交流,保证完成项目的时间和预算。为了让团队做到最好,我们还需要解决相当数量的问题,回避各种风险,努力工作。(编者: 在我们国内, 貌似这个角色更多的被我们称之为是项目经理 Project Manager, 而之前提及的监制也许就是PD?)



数英网: 除了工作,你如何得到灵感?

Mei-lin: 伦敦总是会有一些新的演出或者展览,我在那从生活中汲取灵感。我也喜欢捕捉这些画面放在我的博客上。


Mei-lin: 当然是Mac,无论什么方面,它都表现的优越的多!
软件:Aperture、 Chrome和WordPress.
设备:富士FinePix X100、MacBook和Kindle.


Mei-lin: 我的工作时间会随着项目的不同而产生变化,有时多有时少。

数英网:是什么让你对B-Reel 以及你的团队感到满意?什么情况下你会感觉不满意,期待着它改进?

Mei-lin: 目前B-Reel在全球所有办公室加起来大约有近一百名同事了,这里的公司文化以及业务水平都让我们感到骄傲自豪,我们都坚持B-Reel是一个非常棒的工作地。

当然,B-Reel仍有一些需要改进的地方,目前急需提上议程的就是建立digital production的作业标准和流程。在项目过程中我们不可避免的会与客户、代理商产生很多分歧和各种纠结的事,所以在这方面我们必须不断改进加强,才能最终做出更好的作品。关于典型的标准流程应该是这样的,在这个网站中可以看到更多资料: www.stndrd.org

David Hammarström
Art Director,B-Reel Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩





数英网: 请介绍下您在项目团队中扮演的角色,简单地谈一下你们团队工作的基本流程。

David:作为美术指导,不论我们的团队面临怎样的困难,都要保持团队的活力及很强的适应力,同时也要做到以美学的眼光、概念化的思维和一双巧手进行创作(aesthetic eye, mind on the concept and hands on the production)。B-Reel的工作流程是开放和“扁平化”的,我们的目标是尽可能保持团队在所有领域及整个流程中的参与和整体运作。

数英网: 工作中最令你愉悦的部分是什么?你最讨厌什么部分?


数英网: 除了工作,你如何得到灵感?



我最喜欢的三个软件也许就是我使用率最高的Email、Safari和Adobe Creative Suite



数英网:是什么让你对B-Reel 以及你的团队感到满意?什么情况下你会感觉不满意,期待着它改进?



Simon Cave
Creative Technologist,New York

Q:One sentence to describe B-Reel shortly please

B-Reel is a hybrid production company in Los Angeles, New York, London and Stockholm creating digital productions for web, mobile, physical installations and other media.

Q:Can you shortly say something about your background? And, when and how you joined B-Reel?  How do you like working here? Why?

I’m originally from Sydney, Australia but over the past few years I have lived in Stockholm, London and now New York City. I got to know B-Reel through a friend and started working with the London office in 2009.

I like working here because there’s always a new challenge with every project. So far I have helped create web-sites, games, installations and mobile apps. We’re lucky to have some very smart and adventurous clients, and their goals are always to create something unique and original.

For example, in 2010 together with advertising agency 180LA and robotics experts JLB Design we built a spectacular installation for Mitsubishi Motors. By rigging a full-sized car with robotics, cameras and GPS tracking we allowed Mitsubishi fans to test drive their new car over the internet while seeing a live video stream from the driver’s seat. This was an immensely challenging, exciting and rewarding project and it shows that with a bit of imagination and a great team almost anything is possible.

I’ve been in the New York City office for nearly a year and already have had the opportunity to work with many fantastic clients. This industry is very fun to work in. It’s hard to predict what surprises the next project will bring.

Q:Can you describe your role in a team when working on a project?  Tell us shortly about the basic process of your team working?

I’m a technologist and a programmer. I like to get involved in projects from the very beginning. My primary role is as a developer, but over the past few years I have been getting more involved in the creative process. This means a lot of writing and concepting.

Sometimes clients come to us with complete ideas and sometimes they come to us with a blank slate. In both cases I try to work with the team to make sure that we’re fulfilling our clients needs while also creating something new and original.

We try to make each project a new challenge.

Q:What is the most enjoyable part of work to you? And what is the worst part you hate much?

I think the most enjoyable part of any project happens some time around the middle when we cross the barrier between concept and creation. It’s very exciting when a collection of ideas, designs and prototypes transitions into a real working product.

The worst part of our job is seeing good ideas go to waste. Sometimes, no matter how strong a concept, the client will want to go in a different direction. Luckily, this is not something we have to deal with regularly.

Q: How do you do to get inspirations besides work?

I do a lot of reading on the Internet. I’m very interested in learning about new technology in all areas, not just my own. I’m also very inspired by the city I live in. I feel very lucky to have been able to live in so many different places. But mostly I’m inspired by the people I work with. It’s great to be surrounded by such talented people.

Q:Which do you prefer to use personally, Mac or PC? Why? Please list 3 pieces of software and 3 pieces of hardware that are to your personal favorite?

I use a Mac. I prefer it because it is the only computer that allows you to have Mac apps, Windows apps and Unix on the same screen. This is very important when you need to test for compatibility in many different browsers. I also prefer using Mac software. The attention to detail in the Mac operating system as well as third-party apps is not perfect, but definitely better.

For development I use WebStorm and Sublime. For writing project proposals or tech treatments I love the simplicity of ByWord.

I use an iMac at work. It’s a great computer, but my next one will definitely be a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air. I have a pair of Beyer Dynamic headphones which I use to listen to music while working. I have an iPhone and I love trying new apps. Mobile app development on phones and tablets is a very creative area. Using touch-based mobile devices instead of desktop computers in our daily lives is a trend that will continue to grow for a long time to come.

Q:How many hours do you work each week generally?

Maintaining a healthy work week is very important. When you’re passionate about your work it can be very easy to forget this. I try to stick to a 40-hour work week and so far in 2011 I have only gone over once. Having weekends and evenings to relax and enjoy life allows you to have a clearer mind at work. Often we do very challenging projects that call for long hours. It should always be because the project is worth it. Thankfully, at B-Reel it almost always is.

Q:What makes you satisfied with B-Reel / or with your team at B-reel? And what makes you feel it is not doing so well and expecting its improvement at B-Reel?

I’m very grateful to be working at B-Reel. I have worked in two B-Reel offices now and both have been fantastic teams to work with. If I couldn’t come to work every day and collaborate with the smartest people I know, I would need to find a new job.

Perhaps the biggest thing that we need to work on is collaboration between offices. We keep our teams separate and autonomous. This is a good thing, but with each office doing slightly different work there is a lot of knowledge and experience that we could be sharing. This year we plan to open up the communication between offices and learn from each other in the process.

Mei-lin Rawlinson
Producer, B-Reel London

QOne sentence to describe B-Reel shortly please

B-Reel is a digital production company with 4 offices around the world. Each office is made up of Creative Directors, Producers, Developers, Motion Designers, Art Directors, Designers and Executive Producers. Our projects span web, mobile, installations and more. In fact, we just launched a new R&D company - B-Reel Products.

QCan you shortly say something about your background? And, when and how you joined B-Reel?  How do you like working here? Why?

I’ve been working at B-Reel London as a Producer for 2 and a half years. Previously, I worked at Magnetic North, a digital agency based in Manchester, England. On moving to London, B-Reel was top of my list of prospective employers. Their reputation, high-end productions and Swedish culture appealed to me. I was over the moon when I got the job. B-Reel is full of incredibly talented, hardworking and kind people, all of which make it a pretty good place to you!

Q:Can you describe your role in a team when working on a project?  Tell us shortly about the basic process of your team working?

As a Producer, my role is to lead the team, be the day to day contact with the client and ensure that we deliver the project on time and on budget. There is also a fair amount of problem solving, risk dodging and working hard to get the best out of the team.

Q:What is the most enjoyable part of work to you? And what is the worst part you hate much?

Working on such a wide variety of projects is great as I’m always learning new thing and thrown into different situations. It’s fantastic working with a team of highly creative people every day.

On the downside, now and then Producers are required to have difficult discussions with the client which is never fun!

Q:How do you do to get inspirations besides work?

I get inspiration from life in London – there’s always a new play or exhibition to see. I also enjoy taking snaps and posting them on my blog.

Q:Which do you prefer to use personally, Mac or PC? Why?

A mac. It’s just superior!

Q: Please list 3 pieces of software and 3 pieces of hardware that are to your personal favorite?

Software – Aperture, Chrome, WordPress

Hardware – Fujifilm finepix x100, Macbook, Kindle

Q:How many hours do you work each week generally?

It completely varies depending on the project – there are peaks and troughs.

Q:What makes you satisfied with B-Reel / or with your team at B-reel? And what makes you feel it is not doing so well and expecting its improvement at B-Reel?

The size of the offices (cosy at about 80 people around the world), culture and the calibre of the projects that come through the door all contribute to making B-Reel a great place to work. There are always things that can be improved and one thing that is high on B-Reel’s agenda is establishing standards and processes in digital production. You can find out more about it here. It’s an ongoing struggle with some clients/agencies and is definitely something that we need to keep pushing and will ultimately result in better productions.

David Hammarström
Art Director,B-Reel Stockholm

QOne sentence to describe B-Reel shortly please

An integrated production company giving me the benefit of working with the most amazing colleagues on some of the most groundbreaking challenges in the industry.

QCan you shortly say something about your background? And, when and how you joined B-Reel?  How do you like working here? Why?

I pretty much spent my whole childhood playing around in all kinds of analog media, drawing, painting, sculpting and building stuff, if not that I was probably to be found playing video games. My interest for games led me in to the digital world in the fall of 2001 when entering the university, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Interactive Media and Game Development. During this time the analog and digital married in a sweet combination and I got hooked. In early 2004 I did my internship at B-Reel and I’ve pretty much hung around ever since, as two of many reasons for that I’d mention the challenges and the great colleagues.I pretty much spent my whole childhood playing around in all kinds of analog media, drawing, painting, sculpting and building stuff, if not that I was probably to be found playing video games. My interest for games led me in to the digital world in the fall of 2001 when entering the university, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Interactive Media and Game Development. During this time the analog and digital married in a sweet combination and I got hooked. In early 2004 I did my internship at B-Reel and I’ve pretty much hung around ever since, as two of many reasons for that I’d mention the challenges and the great colleagues.

Q:Can you describe your role in a team when working on a project?  Tell us shortly about the basic process of your team working?

My role as an Art Director at is pretty dynamic and adapts to the team and whatever challenges we are facing, but it’s always done with an aesthetic eye, mind on the concept and hands on the production. The general process at B-reel in general is quite flat and open, meaning that we aim to keep the whole team as involved as possible through out the whole process, in all areas possible.

Q:What is the most enjoyable part of work to you? And what is the worst part you hate much?

It’s one and the same, I love the problems as much as I sometimes can find them rather frustrating, but the feeling of solving or mastering a great problem is worth each and every hard bump along the way.

Q: How do you do to get inspirations besides work?

Enjoy myself and try to keep my mind as open as possible for all new impressions I can come across.

Q:Which do you prefer to use personally, Mac or PC? Why? Please list

I like working on a Mac, the sole reason being that’s what I started off with and know the best. I’ve worked quite some time on a PC as well but never really got in to it during the time being.

Q: Please list 3 pieces of software and 3 pieces of hardware that are to your personal favorite?

My three favourite softwares are probably the ones I use the most, Mail, Safari and the CS suite. When it comes to hardware I’d say the ones I use the most as well, my laptop, my smartphone and my watch.

Q:How many hours do you work each week generally?



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