AI Creative Director/人工智能创意总监

上海 静安区
发布于 2024-06-05

职位描述 Job Description


Shanghai.monks, the Shanghai office of global creative company media.monks, is looking for an exceptional Creative Director with an affinity for AI. You’ll deliver creative solutions and drive pitches across a diverse range of clients. You’ll work across our eclectic network, with some of the most innovative minds in the industry at your disposal, driving growth and reputation through world class, award winning creative work. You’ll need to have a natural flair to make Chinese youth fall in love with the brands we work with, creating industry defining campaigns for the worlds’ most iconic brands


  • You’ll lead by example as a driving creative force, infusing your team with creative ambition and fostering talent

  • You’ll also own the creative execution of projects, seeing them through from pitch to final delivery.

  • You'll be collaborating with extraordinary creatives, copywriters, designers, innovators, tech creators, data specialists, developers and producers and a lot more talented people across our expanding MediaMonks network.

  • This also mean, you are not afraid to adopt new AI tools such as StableDiffusion, ComfyUI, MidJourney

  • You’ll create not just what the client asked for but what their campaign needs, guiding and fostering their ambition in close and respectful collaboration, producing beautifully crafted decks that are in line with the project’s objectives and requirements.

  • Working on multiple projects at once, you go above and beyond each brief to push what’s possible on both a creative and technical level.

  • You are someone with an innate taste for technology and intrinsically interested in digital art and generative ai.  You understand innovation and evolution and will drive your team towards exploring new frontier of creativity through AI.

  • Pitching directly to our clients, you’ll be shaping and selling groundbreaking concepts that live and breathe in contemporary, fully integrated campaign executions across every imaginable and relevant discipline.


  • At least 12 years experience.

  • You are fluent in Chinese.

  • This role requires you to come up with industry challenging ideas, and have the ability to present them in equally compelling decks that will make clients fall in love with your thinking.

  • You know how to lead your team and provide clear creative direction and ownership over their projects.  We will dedicate to upskill you in AI, therefore you are also required to drive new tools adoption across your team members.

  • You can independently lead fast-paced pitches

  • As part of a global company operating as one team across time zones, you need to be able to successfully direct work at a distance.

What We Offer

At Media.Monks, you’ll be joining a highly ambitious company on a global mission to win the decade by changing the industry for good. We are the most awarded creative digital experience company in the world. Partner to 8 of the 10 most innovative companies in the world, Media.Monks works with established as well as up-and-coming global and regional brands across brand, social, digital, experience, platform, data, media and technology. We support Chinese brands with global ambitions, and bridge cultures for global brands in China.

We are an equal-opportunity employer committed to building a respectful and empowering work environment for all people to freely express themselves amongst colleagues who embrace diversity in all respects. Including fresh voices and unique points of view in all aspects of our business not only creates an environment where we can all grow and thrive but also increases our potential to produce work that better represents—and resonates with—the world around us.


Shanghai.monks 是全球创意公司 media.monks 的上海办事处,正在寻找一位对人工智能感兴趣的杰出创意总监。您将提供创意解决方案并推动各种客户的宣传。您将在我们多元化的网络中工作,与业内一些最具创新精神的人一起工作,通过世界级、屡获殊荣的创意工作推动增长和声誉。您需要拥有让中国年轻人爱上我们合作的品牌的天赋,为世界上最具标志性的品牌打造行业定义的活动


  • 您将以身作则,成为推动创意的力量,为您的团队注入创意野心并培养人才

  • 您还将负责项目的创意执行,从宣传到最终交付。

  • 您将与我们不断扩大的 MediaMonks 网络中的非凡创意人员、文案、设计师、创新者、技术创造者、数据专家、开发人员和制作人以及更多才华横溢的人合作。

  • 这也意味着,您不惧怕采用新的 AI 工具,例如 StableDiffusion、ComfyUI、MidJourney。

  • 您不仅会创建客户要求的内容,还会创建他们的活动需要的内容,在密切和尊重的合作中引导和培养他们的雄心壮志,制作符合项目目标和要求的精美制作的演示文稿。

  • 同时处理多个项目,您会超越每个brief,在创意和技术层面上推动一切可能。

  • 您是一个天生对技术有品味的人,对数字艺术和生成式人工智能有着内在的兴趣。您了解创新和发展,并将推动您的团队通过人工智能探索创造力的新前沿。

  • 直接向我们的客户推销,您将塑造和销售突破性的概念,这些概念在当代、完全集成的活动执行中栩栩如生,涵盖所有可以想象到的相关学科。


  • 至少 12 年经验。

  • 您的中文流利。

  • 这个职位要求您提出挑战行业的想法,并有能力以同样引人注目的形式展示这些想法,让客户爱上您的想法。

  • 您知道如何领导您的团队,并为他们的项目提供明确的创意方向和所有权。我们将致力于提升您在人工智能方面的技能,因此您还需要推动团队成员采用新工具。

  • 您可以独立领导快节奏的比稿。

  • 作为一家跨时区以一个团队运营的全球性公司的一员,您需要能够成功地远程指导工作。





上海 徐汇区

