人类历史上最具影响力的 100 张照片《时代周刊》

举报 2016-11-22



跟绘画相比,摄影是那么年轻的图像媒体。这次《时代周刊》邀请到来自全世界的策展人、历史学家、图片编辑等组成选片专家团,选出了摄影诞生以来最有影响力的100张照片。无疑,这是一个非常冗长费力的过程,在同摄影师、相片主角、以及他们的亲友等进行了几千次访谈后,编辑部才最终敲定了这 100 张来自各个时期不同主题的当世之作,并挖掘了许多背后的故事。



在选定名单的过程中,编辑部也重新认识到一个贯穿近两个世纪摄影史的重要元素:摄影师必须在场。摄影是一种见证的形式,是将单一视角带给整个世界的方式。正是图片的力量,让Alexander Gardner在1862年用马载着他的暗箱来到安提塔姆之战,让David Guttenfelder从2013年开始深入朝鲜拍摄照片上传到Instagram。战地摄影师James Nachtwey曾经这样说过,“你一直不停、不停地传送照片,因为它们可以创造出存在改变可能的环境。我一直这样相信。”


「牛奶皇冠 Milk Drop Corone」

by Harold Edgerton, 1957

「牛奶皇冠 Milk Drop Corone」  by Harold Edgerton, 1957

“Seconds. There it is. Sometimes it’s no use at all. Sometimes it’s tremendous value.”——Harold Edgerton


「风中的杰奎琳 Windblown Jackie」

by Ron Galella, 1971

「风中的杰奎琳 Windblown Jackie」  by Ron Galella, 1971

“On the corner, I did a brilliant thing. I took a taxi because you have to hide to get the off-guard picture.”——Ron Galella


「十八周的胎儿 Fetus, 18 weeks」

by Lennart Nilsson, 1965

「十八周的胎儿 Fetus, 18 weeks」  by Lennart Nilsson, 1965

“We try to create or see something, which has not been known before.”——Lennart Nilsson


「爱默特·提尔 Emmett Till」

by David Jackson, 1955

「爱默特·提尔 Emmett Till」  by David Jackson, 1955

“When people saw what had happened to my son, men stood up who had never stood up before.” ——Mamie Till-Mobley


「地出 Earthrise」

by William Anders, NASA, 1968

「地出 Earthrise」  by William Anders, NASA, 1968

“It was the first time that people actually knew what the Earth looked like.”——William Anders


「枕头大战 The Pillow Fight」

by Harry Benson, 1964

「枕头大战 The Pillow Fight」  by Harry Benson, 1964

“The Beatles will never have a pillow fight again, and I couldn’t repeat that picture again.”——Harry Benson


「奥斯卡自拍 Oscars Selfie」

by Bradley Cooper, 2014

「奥斯卡自拍 Oscars Selfie」  by Bradley Cooper, 2014

“It was this incredible moment of spontaneity that I will never forget. And thanks to the selfie, neither will anyone else.”——Ellen DeGeneres


「英勇的游击队员 Guerrillero Heroico」

by Alberto Korda, 1960

「英勇的游击队员 Guerrillero Heroico」  by Alberto Korda, 1960

“It seems that there is not one socially conscious young person in the world who does not believe that this man, Che, represents what they’d like to become.”——Alberto Korda


「穆罕默德·阿里 vs 索尼·利斯顿Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston」

by Neil Leifer, 1965

「穆罕默德·阿里 vs 索尼·利斯顿Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston」  by Neil Leifer, 1965

“As Ali got older, people wanted to remember him at his absolute best. People wanted to remember him that way.”——Neil Leifer


「原子的达利 Dalí Atomicus」

by Philippe Halsman, 1948

「原子的达利 Dalí Atomicus」  by Philippe Halsman, 1948

“Before there was Photoshop, there was Philippe.”——Irene Halsman(Philippe Halsman之女)


「摩天楼顶上的午餐 Lunch Atop a Skyscraper」

by Unknown, 1932

「摩天楼顶上的午餐 Lunch Atop a Skyscraper」  by Unknown, 1932

“If you see this picture once, you never forget it..”——Rockefelle中心历史研究员Christine Roussel


「窗外的风景 View from the Window at Le Gras」

by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, circa 1826

「窗外的风景 View from the Window at Le Gras」  by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, circa 1826

“The discovery I have made and which I call Heliography, consists in reproducing spontaneously, by the action of light..”——Joseph Nicéphore Niépce


「Untitled Film Still #21」

by Cindy Sherman, 1978

「Untitled Film Still #21」  by Cindy Sherman, 1978



by Robert Capa, 1944

「D-Day」  by Robert Capa, 1944

“It never occurred to me until later that in order to take that picture, Capa had to get ahead of that soldier and turn his back on the action.”——Capa当时的编辑John Morris


「创生之柱 Pillars of Creation」

by NASA, 1995

「创生之柱 Pillars of Creation」  by NASA, 1995

“As long as there have been people, we have been drawn by this question of what is our connection with the sky.”——哈勃宇航员Dr. Jeff Hester


「Dovima with elephants, evening dress by Dior, Cirque d'Hiver, Paris, August 1955」

by Richard Avedon, 1955

「Dovima with elephants, evening dress by Dior, Cirque d'Hiver, Paris, August 1955」  by Richard Avedon, 1955


「索马里饥荒 Famine in Somalia」

by James Nachtwey, 1992

「索马里饥荒 Famine in Somalia」  by James Nachtwey, 1992

“If people are in need, or if they are suffering,it does not mean they don’t express dignity.”——James Nachtwey


「在紧闭大门后 Behind Closed Doors」

by Donna Ferrato, 1982

「在紧闭大门后 Behind Closed Doors」  by Donna Ferrato, 1982

“I also was thinking if I get a picture of this, at least people will believe that it really happened.”——Donna Ferrato


「艾滋之脸 The Face of AIDS」

by Therese Frare, 1990

「艾滋之脸 The Face of AIDS」  by Therese Frare, 1990

“I didn’t know that it was going to be the photo that changed how people looked at AIDS.”——Therese Frare


「第一张手机照片 First Cell-Phone Picture」

by Philippe Kahn, 1997

「第一张手机照片 First Cell-Phone Picture」  by Philippe Kahn, 1997

“The camera phone was born in Santa Cruz on June 11, 1997, at the Sutter Maternity Clinic.”——Philippe Kahn


「坠落的人 Falling Man」

by Richard Drew, 2001

「坠落的人 Falling Man」  by Richard Drew, 2001

“I’ve never regretted taking that photograph..”——Richard Drew


「胜利之吻 V-J Day in Times Square」

by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945

「胜利之吻 V-J Day in Times Square」  by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945

“Then suddenly, in a flash, I saw something white being grabbed. I turned around and clicked the moment the sailor kissed the nurse.”—— Alfred Eisenstaedt


「冲浪的河马 Surfing Hippos」

by Michael Nichols, 2000

「冲浪的河马 Surfing Hippos」  by Michael Nichols, 2000


「奔马中的马 The Horse in Motion」

by Eadweard Muybridge, 1878

「奔马中的马 The Horse in Motion」  by Eadweard Muybridge, 1878

“We think the representation to be unimpeachable, until we throw all our preconceived impressions on one side, and seek the truth by independent observations from Nature herself.” ——传奇摄影师Eadweard Muybridge


「兴登堡灾难 The Hindenburg Disaster」

by Sam Shere, 1937

「兴登堡灾难 The Hindenburg Disaster」  by Sam Shere, 1937  25.jpg

“I literally ‘shot’ from the hip—it was over so fast, there was nothing else to do.”——Sam Shere



by Abraham Zapruder, 1963

「肯尼迪遇刺第313帧」  by Abraham Zapruder, 1963

“After that tragedy somehow I lost—I don’t know what you’d call it—my appetite, or my desire to take pictures.”——Abraham Zapruder


「战情室 The Situation Room」

by Pete Souza, 2011

「战情室 The Situation Room」  by Pete Souza, 2011

“This was the longest 40 minutes of my life.”——美国总统 Barack Obama


「倒下的士兵 The Falling Soldier」

by Robert Capa, 1936

「倒下的士兵 The Falling Soldier」  by Robert Capa, 1936

“That camera, which I held above my head, just caught a man at the moment when he was shot. That was probably the best picture I ever took.”——Robert Capa


「迈克尔·乔丹 Michael Jordan」

by Co Rentmeester, 1984

「迈克尔·乔丹 Michael Jordan」  by Co Rentmeester, 1984

“It’s gotta be the shoes.”——Nike广告


「黑权礼 Black Power Salute」

by John Dominis, 1968

「黑权礼 Black Power Salute」  by John Dominis, 1968


「移民母亲 Migrant Mother」

by Dorothea Lange, 1936

「移民母亲 Migrant Mother」  by Dorothea Lange, 1936


「贝比出局 The Babe Bows Out」

by Nat Fein, 1948

「贝比出局 The Babe Bows Out」  by Nat Fein, 1948

“If I didn’t know that the Babe’s uniform was being retired, it would have never occurred to me to go in the back of him.”——Nat Fein


「纱厂女孩 Cotton Mill Girl」

by Lewis Hine, 1908

「纱厂女孩 Cotton Mill Girl」  by Lewis Hine, 1908

“Photography can light up darkness and expose ignorance.”——Lewis Hine


「甘地和纺车 Gandhi and the Spinning Wheel」

by Margaret Bourke-White, 1946

「甘地和纺车 Gandhi and the Spinning Wheel」  by Margaret Bourke-White, 1946

“Nonviolence was Gandhi’s creed, and the spinning wheel was the perfect weapon.”——Margaret Bourke-White


「尼斯湖水怪 The Loch Ness Monster」

by Unknown, 1934

「尼斯湖水怪 The Loch Ness Monster」  by Unknown, 1934


「索韦托起义 Soweto Uprising」

by Sam Nzima, 1976

「索韦托起义 Soweto Uprising」  by Sam Nzima, 1976

“The police were flying in front of me, shooting the students on the side.”——Sam Nzima


「朝鲜 North Korea」

by David Guttenfelder, 2013

「朝鲜 North Korea」  by David Guttenfelder, 2013

“When they opened up the 3G network for foreigners, everything changed.”——David Guttenfelder


「尿浸基督 Immersions (Piss Christ)」

by Andres Serrano, 1987

「尿浸基督 Immersions (Piss Christ)」  by Andres Serrano, 1987

“Freedom of religion and freedom of expression have something in common: they both have the power to polarize people.”——Andres Serrano


「棺材禁令 Coffin Ban」

by Tami Silicio, 2004

「棺材禁令 Coffin Ban」  by Tami Silicio, 2004

“My feelings were so built up—my heart was so full of grief. And it came out in the picture.”——Tami Silicio


「消失的种族 The Vanishing Race」

by Edward S. Curtis, 1904

「消失的种族 The Vanishing Race」  by Edward S. Curtis, 1904

“The passing of every old man or woman means the passing of some tradition, some knowledge of sacred rites possessed by no other.”—— Edward S. Curtis


「战争的恐惧 The Terror of War」

by Nick Ut, 1972

「战争的恐惧 The Terror of War」  by Nick Ut, 1972  41.jpg


「盲 Blind」

by Paul Strand, 1916

「盲 Blind」  by Paul Strand, 1916


「在国会大厦上举国旗 Raising a Flag over the Reichstag」

by Yevgeny Khaldei, 1945

「在国会大厦上举国旗 Raising a Flag over the Reichstag」  by Yevgeny Khaldei, 1945

“Then I found my spot, and I told the soldier, “Alyosha, climb up there.”——Yevgeny Khaldei


「自焚的和尚 The Burning Monk」

by Malcolm Browne, 1963

「自焚的和尚 The Burning Monk」  by Malcolm Browne, 1963

“I just kept shooting and shooting and shooting and that protected me from the horror of the thing.”——Malcolm Browne


「Boulevard du Temple」

by Louis Daguerre, 1839

「Boulevard du Temple」  by Louis Daguerre, 1839

“I have seized the fleeting light and imprisoned it. I have forced the sun to paint pictures for me.”——Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre


「检查点的伊拉克女孩 Iraqi Girl at Checkpoint」

by Chris Hondros, 2005

「检查点的伊拉克女孩 Iraqi Girl at Checkpoint」  by Chris Hondros, 2005

“As much as that happens in Iraq, it almost never gets photographed, and so I did realize I was onto an important set of pictures..”——Chris Hondros


「入侵布拉格 Invasion of Prague」

by Josef Koudelka, 1968

「入侵布拉格 Invasion of Prague」  by Josef Koudelka, 1968

“You cannot rely on your memories—but you can rely on your pictures.”——Josef Koudelka


「穿浣熊毛皮外套的夫妇 Couple in Raccoon Coats」

by James VanDerZee, 1932

「穿浣熊毛皮外套的夫妇 Couple in Raccoon Coats」  by James VanDerZee, 1932

“I always wanted people to look good, to look the way they wanted to look.”——James VanDerZee


「温斯顿·丘吉尔 Winston Churchill」

by Yousuf Karsh, 1941

「温斯顿·丘吉尔 Winston Churchill」  by Yousuf Karsh, 1941


「亚伯拉罕·林肯 Abraham Lincoln」

by Mathew Brady, 1860

「亚伯拉罕·林肯 Abraham Lincoln」  by Mathew Brady, 1860

“I had great trouble in making a natural picture.”——Mathew Brady


「血色星期六 Bloody Saturday」

by H.S. Wong, 1937

「血色星期六 Bloody Saturday」  by H.S. Wong, 1937

“It was a horrible sight. People were still trying to get up. Dead and injured lay strewn across the tracks and platform. Limbs lay all over the place. Only my work helped me forget what I was seeing.”——H.S. Wong


「西贡枪决 Saigon Execution」

by Eddie Adams, 1968

「西贡枪决 Saigon Execution」  by Eddie Adams, 1968

“Two people’s lives were destroyed that day. The general’s life was destroyed as well as the life of the Viet Cong. I don’t want to destroy anyone’s life. That’s not my job.”——Eddie Adams


「戴头罩的男人 The Hooded Man」

by Sergeant Ivan Frederick, 2003

「戴头罩的男人 The Hooded Man」  by Sergeant Ivan Frederick, 2003


「悲痛 Grief」

by Dmitri Baltermants, 1942

「悲痛 Grief」  by Dmitri Baltermants, 1942

“War is, above all, grief.”——Dmitri Baltermants


「莫洛托夫人 Molotov Man」

by Susan Meiselas, 1979

「莫洛托夫人 Molotov Man」  by Susan Meiselas, 1979

“Molotov Man kept appearing and reappearing, used by different players for different purposes.”——Susan Meiselas


「赛多纳,优胜美地 Cathedral Rock, Yosemite」

by Carleton Watkins, 1861

「赛多纳,优胜美地 Cathedral Rock, Yosemite」  by Carleton Watkins, 1861


「美军士兵在硫磺岛竖起国旗 Flag Raising on Iwo Jima」

by Joe Rosenthal, 1945

「美军士兵在硫磺岛竖起国旗 Flag Raising on Iwo Jima」  by Joe Rosenthal, 1945


「月光:池塘 Moonlight: The Pond」

by Edward Steichen, 1904

「月光:池塘 Moonlight: The Pond」  by Edward Steichen, 1904

“In fact, every photograph is a fake from start to finish..”——Edward Steichen


「威廉伦琴女士的手The Hand of Mrs. Wilhelm Röntgen」

by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, 1895

「威廉伦琴女士的手The Hand of Mrs. Wilhelm Röntgen」  by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, 1895

“I did not think; I investigated..”——Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen


「评论家 The Critic」

by Weegee, 1943

「评论家 The Critic」  by Weegee, 1943

“I couldn’t see what I was snapping but could almost smell the smugness.”——Weegee


「在华沙投降的犹太男孩 Jewish Boy Surrenders in Warsaw」

by Unknown, 1943

「在华沙投降的犹太男孩 Jewish Boy Surrenders in Warsaw」  by Unknown, 1943


「饥饿的孩子和秃鹫 Starving Child and Vulture」

by Kevin Carter, 1993

「饥饿的孩子和秃鹫 Starving Child and Vulture」  by Kevin Carter, 1993

“This is my most successful image after 10 years of taking pictures, but I do not hang it on my wall. I hate it.”——Kevin Carter


「Untitled (Cowboy) 」

by Richard Prince, 1989

「Untitled (Cowboy) 」  by Richard Prince, 1989


「卡美洛 Camelot」

by Hy Peskin, 1953

「卡美洛 Camelot」  by Hy Peskin, 1953


「雌雄同体(6个男人+6个女人)Androgyny (6 Men + 6 Women)」

by Nancy Burson, 1982

雌雄同体(6个男人+6个女人)Androgyny (6 Men + 6 Women)」  by Nancy Burson, 1982

“I really was, in a certain way, more interested in showing people what they could not see rather than what they could see.”——Nancy Burson


「没有笑容的小船 Boat of No Smiles」

by Eddie Adams, 1977

「没有笑容的小船 Boat of No Smiles」  by Eddie Adams, 1977

“This is the first time in my life that nobody smiled, not even the children.”——Eddie Adams


「22号实验性住宅,洛杉矶Case Study House no. 22, Los Angeles」

by Julius Shulman, 1960

「22号实验性住宅,洛杉矶Case Study House no. 22, Los Angeles」  by Julius Shulman, 1960


「电车——新奥尔良 Trolley—New Orleans」

by Robert Frank, 1955

「电车——新奥尔良 Trolley—New Orleans」  by Robert Frank, 1955


「黛米·摩尔 Demi Moore」

by Annie Leibovitz, 1991

「黛米·摩尔 Demi Moore」  by Annie Leibovitz, 1991

“I don’t think it’s a good photograph per se. It’s a magazine cover. If it were a great portrait, she wouldn’t be covering her breasts.”——Annie Leibovitz


「伊朗的行刑队 Firing Squad in Iran」

by Jahangir Razmi, 1979

「伊朗的行刑队 Firing Squad in Iran」  by Jahangir Razmi, 1979


「慕尼黑大屠杀 Munich Massacre」

by Kurt Strumpf, 1972

「慕尼黑大屠杀 Munich Massacre」  by Kurt Strumpf, 1972


「99 Cent」

by Andreas Gursky, 1999

「99 Cent」  by Andreas Gursky, 1999


「毛主席在长江游泳 Chairman Mao Swims in the Yangtze」

by Unknown, 1966

「毛主席在长江游泳 Chairman Mao Swims in the Yangtze」  by Unknown, 1966


「美国哥特式 American Gothic」

by Gordon Parks, 1942

「美国哥特式 American Gothic」  by Gordon Parks, 1942

“我不在乎别人怎么想。这就是我对美国和Ella Watson在美国处境的看法。”
“I didn’t care about what anybody else felt. That’s what I felt about America and Ella Watson’s position inside America..”——Gordon Parks


「海牙 The Hague」

by Erich Salomon, 1930

「海牙 The Hague」  by Erich Salomon, 1930


「死亡阴影之谷 The Valley of the Shadow of Death」

by Roger Fenton, 1855

「死亡阴影之谷 The Valley of the Shadow of Death」  by Roger Fenton, 1855


「乡村医生 Country Doctor」

by W. Eugene Smith, 1948

「乡村医生 Country Doctor」  by W. Eugene Smith, 1948

“I spent four weeks living with him. I made very few pictures at first. I mainly tried to learn what made the doctor tick..”—— W. Eugene Smith


「火灾逃生坠落 Fire Escape Collapse」

by Stanley Forman, 1975

「火灾逃生坠落 Fire Escape Collapse」  by Stanley Forman, 1975

“I was shooting a routine rescue when it suddenly went to hell.”——Stanley Forman


「圣诞之夜(快乐俱乐部)Nuit de Noël (Happy Club) 」

by Malick Sidibè, 1963

“Youth is about childlike games.Those moments which tell you there is no suffering.”——Malick Sidibè


「佩克堡大坝 Fort Peck Dam」

by Margaret Bourke-White, 1936


「Brian Ridley and Lyle Heeter」

by Robert Mapplethorpe, 1979


「圣拉扎尔车站背后 Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare」

by Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1932

“Photography is just luck. There was a fence, and I poked my camera through the fence. It’s a fraction of a second.”——Henri Cartier-Bresson


「长崎上空的蘑菇云 Mushroom Cloud Over Nagasaki」

by Lieutenant Charles Levy, 1945


「贝蒂·格拉布尔 Betty Grable」

by Frank Powolny, 1943

「贝蒂·格拉布尔 Betty Grable」  by Frank Powolny, 1943

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